Thursday, November 11, 2010

What things can you resolve to do that will make you a better human being?

I know it would seem obvious that I would just talk about eating and exercise in relationship to the New Year, but I believe it's really about the whole picture in regards to improving one's health and waistline -- not just about eating healthier and exercising more, but how we are living mind, body, and spirit.

It's more critical to figure out what you think is important to you in your life. What do you value? How do you want to spend your time? What is driving you -- stuff, cash, family, quality of life? Where does your health fall on this list?

So, when I ask how you can be a better human being in 2007, sure, I am trying to slip in eating better and moving with greater frequency, but we are just fit shells if we don't address the spirit within us. My body is only a vehicle, but my spirit is the true essence of who I am. If we can connect the dots, I believe that the ways we can be better are unlimited. Not to mention it can make things a lot more fun while we're here.What things can you resolve to do that will make you a better human being?
I think you become a better human being by contributing in some way to the world. It doesn't have to be a big thing, and you don't have to have money or power. It can be little things - helping someone who needs help, working with an organization, offering simple kindnesses and common courtesies without expecting a reward. When you help because it's the right thing to do, you know it whether anyone else does or not, and you've made your corner of the world just a tiny bit better. I think that when you feel good about yourself, all the rest - the eating, and the health, and the waistline, and the spirit - take care of themselves.What things can you resolve to do that will make you a better human being?
I find it rather ironic that you could pick a ';best answer';. Everyone's answer is the best answer whose scope is limited to that person who gave it. Better IS a state of mind not universally applicable.

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At least it's better than the last Best Answer.

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I see that the power of the vote has been vetoed by Yahoo. Oh, how I do love democracy...

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Too many answers, she had to pick something.

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If can't do good,,at least stop doing bad.
I think the question is what is the ultimate goal of this human life? There are 8,400,000 life forms according to vedic scriptures, and the soul doesn't die upon death. We take a new form. However, this human life is the only one were we are capable of knowing God. If you want to be a better human being, start trying to become God Conscious. This doesn't mean Yoga, or silently meditating by yourself, because we're conditioned souls without an understanding of God. You have to approach and surrender to a pure devotional servant of God. This person can guide you into your God Consciousness. By reading, chanting the names of the Lord, and hearing about the pastimes of the Lord we can make advancement. The goal shouldn't be to become a better human being, but a better servant of God. God can give you it all. You just have to give it all to God.
Pay it Forward
Accept and love yourself and you'll find that the how and whys stop mattering so much. The same result comes from accepting and loving the deity of your choice. Whichever you prefer, or both, but you really have to do it 100%. Then you will be able to lighten up, which helps everything fall into place.
You can be a better person by helping others. Also feed the poor.
Donating to charity is a good idea. You can donate for free on the following websites:…

learn to love other people more =)
Get sunlight,drink some water,%26amp;eat some healthys. life each day as it comes without regretting about your past or worrying about your future. think right be right and do right everyday and you will end up being a more happy and satisfied person. good thoughts lead to good actions which lead to a good life in the long run.

if none of these atleast help those around you that will surely make you feel good about yourself. as its important to love others as much as yourself....these were some words of wisdom from me for you .

No I'm not a saint or even close to it if you are thinking anything like that about me ...cheers
volunteer at a local animal shelter...find time to just be at Peace with yourself
why is your question so long?
I think you just do what is you think it make your like better or somethings not good that you know. Just that, because if don't have you, the life till continue. Relax and enjoy it.
Stop eating animals. It's bad for ecology, it's bad for world hunger, it's bad for health. It's also cruel and unnecessary.
I believe if you live your life they way you want, be healty, happy, your life will be complete and theres nothing for to that.

1. Don't fall for religion: It's only a crutch for weak-minded people who feel like they can't take responsibility for their own life.

2. Take responsibility for your own life. You are what you make of yourself.

3. Live with compassion and generosity because it'll make you feel better about everything.

4. Live life with morals and set them for yourself. Make them your goals. When you achieve your goals on a daily basis, be proud of who you've become.
With such a large group of people on the planet, it seems the contempory ideal strategy would be to forget what everyone else is doing and do what you think you do best. When called upon to serve your fellow man, you will be the authority needed at the time. It would serve you just as well if you chose something you enjoy.
I realized that finding my inner spirit within me has helped me take on things more slower instead of rushing to get everything done. I also found that keeping on the faith of the things that make me happiy, help me focus on the important things. For example, when I think about my vacation to the ocean someday, I feel more better getting my daily duties at work done, since I know I am earning for that vacation soon. I always know I have a comfort zone here at home whenever i feel so out of tune with everyone, including myself at times, so that way in my comfort zone, I can fully remind myself what it means to live better. My comfort zone is my bedroom, with everything I have and cherish up on the walls, on the lampstands, you name it. Hope this helps.
Contribute to charities. Greet others with a smile and a hand shake. Always try to be sincerer even when I don't mean it. LOLO.
Well for me to be a well being person, first you had a good life meaning health and mind. I can say the I should have well balance life no hazzle with good positive thinking and not moody anyway. I see to it every morning i started with good vibes, so that whole day will be running smoothly.
Meditation is a great way to be in touch with your soul, it provides peace within oneself and adding exercising brings the mind, body and spirit all together. The mind is very negative in nature, and I have found that just being silent (no thoughts in your head) takes you away from the negative mind. I like to listen to my breathing and while driving I like to look at %26amp; admire nature (trees, mountains, water). Both of these methods allows me to be present and not live in my thoughts. The mind should only be used for practical purposes.
Sai Ram. That is a greeting, a mantra and also a blessing from my Master. Quality of Life is determined by how happy and productive you feel. And all others are inputs for achieving your that single goal of happiness. And in this plane, happiness comes from service, helping and serving others. Like this Question and Answer Service. You are serving by asking a thought-provoking question and I am serving by trying to answer the same to the best of my knowledge and wisdom!

My own personal experience tells me that many health problems come out of a sense of boredom, sense of frustration, sense of not being wanted etc., in general negative emotions. Using one's talents in a meaningful and productive manner releases a sense of joy, purposefulness and raises one's self-worth, thus improving the physical, mental and spiritual health of the individual.

Thank you for asking this question and thank Yahoo for providing this service. And thanks to my Guru, who is all pervading and is acting through you, me and all others. Sai Ram.
My answer is simple. SUBSCRIBE to Champions BYTES FREE Weekly Inspirational Emails.


';I’m blessed again by this message…”Help Wanted”. It is very timely that God is speaking to me now. He has a purpose why I am where I am. Yes, he is preparing me for a bigger mission or destiny!';

';I don't really know how I made your email list - but I'm so glad I did! Your updates have come when I have needed them most --- and been very inspirational. Thank you for your encouragement - and keep up the great work!';

';I'm a new subscriber...just received my 2nd email blast. I am absolutely thrilled. I now anxiously await the next blast. I'm sending to a few friends so they can enjoy it also. Thanks for what you do.';

Easy; looking at the whole world. Take off the blinder; stop, taste, listen, relax, and feel that moment. Which; is what I'll do with myself, on a daily bases. From the time the sun rising; to the end of the evening that is what life is all about....oh by the way, I'm retire.
Too much introspection can be a bad thing. How about giving yourself a break? Use your empathy and compassion on others as well as yourself. That ought to do it. Short, but sweet and true. Live life in the moment as best you can. At the end of the day forgive yourself your shortcomings and resolve to do better tomorrow. Know when to let go. Ask God for guidance. Commit your plans to the Lord and he will establish them. Proverbs. In all thy way acknowledge God and he will direct your path. Psalms. ';As much as is possible within you, live at peace with all men.'; Apostle Paul.

God bless you.
Kindness. To yourself, everyone and everything around you.
I feel that all the things mentioned above are very necessary to be a better human being. It takes work on different areas of our life.

For me, back in August, I had an awakening that got my attention and made my realize that I wasn't giving God the time that He deserved. I was a Christian but I wasn't giving Him my time to study His word like I was supposed to, to pray to Him like I should. My eternal home was being neglected horribly and I wasn't going to be there with God. When I realized this, I almost choked to death. I got a piece of steak stuck at the back of my throat. It wouldn't go down or come back up for several very long minutes. I did everything that I could think of. I opened the front door hoping a neighbor could help me. There was no one around; all of the cars were gone, it seemed so still out there almost like in a movie. I prayed to God to help me; I asked Him not to let my children find me like this. I begged Him to let me live. I had a tiny air way but it wasn't enough to get a deep breath. After working with it and talking to God, He finally released it and the steak came into my mouth. It's in a baggy in my freezer. I promised God that I would not neglect Him ever again. Since that day, I have not missed reading my bible, praying to Him and learning all that I can about Him and what I need to do to with my time. I look forward to it everyday. I have read several books that have helped me so much. The first one that I read was 23 minutes in Hell, then 90 minutes in Heaven, and 10 Curses That Block the Blessings, etc. I've got a couple more on my list to get. I've got a new bible, the amplified verison, that is so much easier to understand.

I thank God everyday for saving me and my soul. I pray that I can do many more good things is Jesus' name to help people and to help guide them in the direction of Heaven. I look forward to going to Heaven when my time comes, but I'm not going to rush it.
i have been running 3 time a week and i still have a pop belly. people will always comment about my stomach. they will tell me to run.

Go vegetarian
For me, it's being more me, without making those around me hurt!

In this case, I want to do all those things I wanted to do. Live like money is no problem (although secretly it always is). Write the great Canadian novel (maybe this year) %26amp; travel.
Forgiveness. Most important over anything, is the ability to forgive the ones that have hurt or dissapointed you.

Not forgiving will eat you up inside and no matter how well you train, eat, or take care of yourself it will never suffice. That is how you truly become a better human being.

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