Tuesday, November 16, 2010

WHATs your view? My hubby gave the lady a ride...bought few groceries.. what do you think it is?

Favor, I need your time.

We are 8 months married.

My friend saw my husband buying: diapers,milk,2 chocolate drinks, wipes, pantyliners and some stuffs to a lady. His explanation when I confronted him:

1. He said he gave the girl a ride and that he pities her nephew.( I was thinking it wasnt his since we just move into this place 8 mos ago)

2. He said he loves helping people.(I just wish he tell me who are those he is helping)

3. He said he just spent a few money to help and that the reason he didn't tell me is that he

thinks its just normal to help.(we are in a 3rd world country and that he said he just spent a few dollar)

When I asked him, ';why include pantyliners?';, He said he didn't buy those stuffs and the lady bought herself the panty liners. When I add more questions like: how you met her? And that I told him that I am protecting him from people who wants to take advantage of him. Honestly I am from the third world country and I may say: I live a good life and I need a man(dunno if this is right). I am shy to ask money from him and why would this lady have him spent some few groceries. I may not be so rich but I even bought my hubby a $ 2,000 + MAC (of course in our currency). He said he will pay me in a short time and I agree since I wanted him to feel convenient in a 3rd world. I guess in 4 months he already paid me 25%. None from my family knew this but I was thinking its a way of helping him, yet, I couldn't take it that he is helping someone I don't know and he let her ride in my car without my knowledge. Also with my consent he borrowed another $2,000 from my mom (for his visit back to his place and he will pay it in a month) and he is gradually paying it- another 25% paid. So guys, if ever you are a foreign man married to some Asian(me), will you be honest to your wife about whom you help and where you went? He said he it must be some ';Asian thing'; that I interrogate so much and that I should stop asking or else he will go back to his place. He said in his prayer '; God protect me from stupid nosy ASIANS and that I pray they will mind their own business'; ( he said he was referring to my friend who told me the incident.)

And ok here are the other things that I discovered from just confronting him that my friend saw him at the grocery is that:

1. there was a nephew involve

2. she gave her a ride(I didn't knew she also was in the car)

But I wonder why he wouldn't give the lady's name or tell me where she lives because I wanted o intoduce myself. I just wanted the lady to know that my husband helped him. I don't know what to call this.

One more: he is not wearing our wedding ring since he said it doesn't fit good and that it might accidentally fall from his fingers( ok- I was thinking of buying him a wedding necklace with my name on and our wedding date-hahaha). I apologize to you guys but I am so desperate and I need ssomebody to talk too.

How do you guys view this?

Additional Details

Thank you guys for your opinion. What I feel bad most is that he wouldn't tell me who the girl was and that he even forgot her face and her name. OH my for me. FOr me it sounds like a big lie. But I don't know how do others view this. I may just be having a negative thought.

What you think should I do next?WHATs your view? My hubby gave the lady a ride...bought few groceries.. what do you think it is?
See if he'll tell you where he met this ';woman';, where did he drop her off. Surely he does remember where she lived as he had to take her home. See what he says to that. You could even let him know this is really bothering you as to why in the world would he buy things for a complete stranger. How did this woman know he would buy these things for her?! He couldn't have just ';bumped'; into her in the store as she certainly would or should have had money in the first place to be at a store. Something just doesn't sound rite about this ';story';. See if he can remember where she lives %26amp; would he take you by her house. See what he has to say about it. See if he acts nervous or ';caught'; or acts ';normal'; to you. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to find out by the way he acts about the whole thing. Yes, she could have been cking. out %26amp; didn't have enuf money so he offered to help her. He could have asked if there was anything else she needed %26amp; couldn't afford it %26amp; offered to get her just what she needed. It all could be very innocent too, if he's the type of person who does like to help others. There are folks like that, he may be one of them. Just see how he reacts to some of your questions if you're going to bother to ask him...the best to you...:)WHATs your view? My hubby gave the lady a ride...bought few groceries.. what do you think it is?
Sounds to me like she was his baby mama.
Well, I read the entire story and I still dont know what her husband did. From what information you gave there is no way to say he cheated or didnt cheat. BUT, if I were placing odds I would say he had a 60/40 chance of cheating from the info you gave.

You need to tell if he stays out late or comes home from work really late or spends weekends with his buddies playing golf but doesnt own golf clubs...Things like that help.

Last step....Walk up to him and tell him you think he is cheating and the baby is his. Who knows could be born 2-3 months premi.
What you need to do is decide whether you trust him or not. Its not about whether he's telling the truth or not, as you'll never be sure on that. Its about whether you trust him to be faithful or not.

if you do, then forget this incident and believe what he says. Maybe keep an eye out and see if future incidents happen but thats all.

If you don't trust him, then divorce him. Since you don't have a child with him yet, its the best bet if you already don't trust him less than a year in.

The wedding ring part is meaningless, plenty of women don't care, some even prefer married men as they can count on certain things from married men. I rarely wear mine, as it tends to give me a rash on the inside of my finger.

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