if you guys are truly meant for each other, you will separate and get back together.right now she is confused herself and just wants to get through it.give it time...everything will get better.
answer mine?
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>Is my girlfriend really about to leave me?
please disregard this, it was not true it was only for a school project
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It's over, she ran back to her ex. Pack her stuff up. Pour yourself a stiff one and learn to let her go.
She's an emotional basket case. That's not something you need in your life. You did all you could for her. Now it's time to cut your losses.
You moved in with her after a week? What the hell is wrong with you. You deserve all this drama for making the poor choices that you did.
Oh and here is a news flash for you. She was cheating on you for the last month of the relationship and one of the people she was doing was your friend that is living with you.
WOW! You sound like a great guy... I think you babied your girlfriend alot. The thing is is that people die. Sometimes, we have to put on the big girl panties, deal with it, and live. The problem you're faced with now is, you have showed her that no matter how much she does or how she treats you, you are always going to be there. She knows that and is taking advantage of that. Is that the role you want to play forever?
She's unstable and it'd be best for her to spend her time among a support network capable of dealing with her issues. Moreover, its unhealthy for you to weigh yourself down with her problems. Try to realize that despite the relationship you've built with her, she needs time to sort herself out.
Don't worry, I've been through this type of situation. It seems totally unfair that women can be so heartless, but you'll find a girl/woman who is stable, caring, and respectful. You shouldn't tolerate anything less.
yes its sad when someone whom we love dearly just seems to lose interest on us and i did experience just that 2 times. nevertheless i could only say that in life we cross the path on one another. i couldn't have met my 2nd ex in 2001 if my 1st ex didnt broke up with me. for my 2nd ex she is destined to lead me to church and that drastically change my life. both of them are married in 2006 and 2007. and i never had another relationship till now. my current gf treated me so well and its a blessing for me. you have a hard time now its important that u take a good stand as this relationship might affect your future. she need to work hand in hand to make this work but at present from what u said, it seems she is far from it, you cant help her if she wouldn't want to help herself.
i understand that this girl just lost a good friend of hers, but she needs to learn to deal with that kind of stuff in a healthy way. don't these incidents leave you wondering if you will need to watch over her all of the time? and for her to randomly invite a male friend over to your apartment and then say ';this is why i can't have a boyfriend!'; i'm sorry, but this is very immature and unstable behavior. she will take advantage of your kindness and take it for granted that you love her unconditionally. you should be with someone who respects you. clearly, she does not. (i hope that wasn't too harsh, but life is too short for drama)!
Pack her stuff up and let her go. You cannot let her come and go when she pleases like that. She is either with you or she isn't. I am sorry for all the hurt you are going through. It is not warranted at all. I have a question for you though, how can you know a person in a weeks time, how could you ever possibly think that you had a future with her without knowing anything about her. You set yourself up for a heartache the minute you moved in together. All she wanted was for someone to take care of her and that was all. Let her go. Don't look back. If she calls don't answer. You can find someone else that will love you for who you are. Just next time don't move in together so fast. Allow yourself to learn about each others like and dislikes and her ways and your ways.
umm hell yeah u need to back up her s h i t and tell her to go.. she is playing with u and is using u to the fullest..she starts crying to make u fill bad as if everybody is against her, as if she did nothing wrong. leave her alone and next time dont open up so easily to ppl. they tend to take advantage of u. she dont deserve u. and that was straight up disrespectful what she did. with her going out with a guy ';friend'; and going to her exboyfriend's house. drop her she a dead beat!!
As hard as this is for you right now... I would pack her stuff. If seems as if she is using you. She is going through a lot and you have been there for her, and she knows that. All she seems to be doing is toying with your emotions.
She will go with a friend and tell you she is not coming back and then call you and come back. Then she stays a weekend with an ex boyfriend... if I would have done that to my boyfriend he would have said,'; you leave with your ex and your stuff will be packed when you get back.';
Have pride... don't let her use your kindness anymore... a lot of girls would kill for a guy as sweet as you, and she is lucky... She will realize it and coming running back... and when she does you leave her alone.
Because this is so hard for you, in my opinion the best thing to do is cut ALL ties with her. Don't answer text, calls, or the door if she comes knocking. She has taken advantage of you and no one deserves that!
Good luck...!
i know you still love her but if she don't want to be with you anymore she have to pack up her things else it will no be easy for you to move on.Maybe she will realize that she mess up and come back to you but now you have to think about yourself.am really sorry for you and i wish you all the best!!!
Sorry friend but you fell in love with a wacky job.What does this say about me,is the question you should be asking.Is it over?No telling but if I were you I'd make sure it is.What you ned to do is work on thinking with you big head instead of your little head.Infatuation and love are things you need to differentiate in your mind.Find your way past this knight in shining armor complex.I can tell by the words you chose you are trying to be an evolved person.Keep at it and hold out for a real woman.In the mean time stop you skirt chasing.Work on foundation.
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