Thursday, November 11, 2010

Should I contact child support?? PLEASE HELP.?

My cousin, who is 19, just had a beautiful baby girl on July 20th. She had a lot of problems when she was younger(drug abuse and she just loves to f**k with society and break rules/laws). I moved down to a very little town to help her out when her fiance went to jail for breaking into homes and stealing from a very legit neighborhood in the town where we were originally from when we had flooding this spring due to an extremely terrible winter. When I first got there she was being the picture perfect mother. She was 8 months pregnant and had been extremely careful. soon as baby Kaylynn was born things started to change. Three weeks afterwards she took baby to a party. I felt terrible and I was there so I didn't drink the whole time and I ended up being babysitter all night long because she was so drunk. She also ended up cheating on her fiance that night. The very next night she did the same thing, exact. I thought she was maybe just letting it all out since she hadn't drank in nine months. But over the next month she got worse and worse. She has a prescription to Ritalin and does not need it. She lied and lied to her doctor over a couple years in order to finally get the prescription. (In case you don't know, Ritalin is methyphenadate and it makes you stay up, not eat, and makes you super talkative and you can basically clean and organize whatever you put your mind to.) She says she takes it to lose her baby weight. She takes one every morning when she goes to work and then when she gets home she is wound down enough to eat a little. THEN she buys a thirty rack of bud light and finishes it with her ';girlfriend.'; She also has a serious addiction to Coriciden (Triple C's-make you trip out and think you are walking on the moon, also makes things look like they are moving and makes stuff feel good when you touch it). She has cleaned out the drug store so her and her ';girlfriend'; can do this atleast five times every weekend. And guess who gets stuck taking care of baby? Me. Not that I mind, I love that little squirt with all of my heart. She smiles and coos and just makes you melt!

But here is my situation. I am pregnant myself and I cannot stay up all night and day taking care of her because I am so exhausted all of the time anyways. So I calmly explained to my cousin that I cannot, and will not, be able to be her unpaid live in nanny anymore and that I need my rest. She sicked her ';girlfriend'; on me and had her beat the living sh*t out of me, then proceeded to kick me out of the apartment for which I was on the lease and bought all of the food and cleaned everyday, did her's, baby's, her gf's and my own laundry. She threw all of my stuff into the street the next day and I am now moved back up to my hometown.

But I'm terrified for my lil squirt Kaylynn. I know what my cousin is doing is wrong but she is also family and I know her attitude and how she would wreck the whole family if I told someone or turned her in.

What do you suggest?Should I contact child support?? PLEASE HELP.?
I wish you had called the police on your cousin and her friend when you were a) assaulted (you were lucky you didn't lose the baby) and b) illegally evicted. Then there would have been a police investigation and at that time, you could have mentioned your fears for the safety of her child. Now, your family will think it looks like revenge on your part. And child support would not be the people you contact anyway as that only deals with money, not child welfare.

I think you need to leave it alone for now. There isn't much you can do that wouldn't make things worse for you. You are dealing with a violent and dangerous woman and remember, she had her friend beat you up for just refusing to babysit her child. What would she do to you if she lost custody of her child because you called CPS? She might decide to kick your baby out of you!

Wait until after your child is born and then from an anonymous email account (see if you can get a friend to do it from out-of-state), write to Crime Stoppers about her drug and alcohol abuse. They have a duty to report it to Child Protective Services and hopefully it will be far enough away from their illegal eviction of you that they won't associate the report with you.

One last thing, you need to get a lawyer and get your name off of that lease (you should have done this before returning home) as if they trash the place or leave without paying the rent, YOU will be held financially responsible. Good luck!


Addendum: Your number one duty is to protect YOUR child. If you have to choose between your child dying (ie. she assaulting you so you lose your baby) because you reported her neglect of her own child, then you should not do this. Don't let anyone guilt you into your risking your life or the life of your own child. You aren't the only one aware of her actions (all her friends are) and you know she won't hesititate to have you assaulted while you are pregnant as she has already had this done to you. Let someone else report it!

The only other option is for you to go to the police and tell them what was done to you. Have the other girl arrested for assault (assuming you still have the bruises) and then tell what your cousin is doing. But if you can't get the police to protect you, keep your mouth shut and think of your own child!Should I contact child support?? PLEASE HELP.?
Call Child Protective Services. Now. You'll feel terrible if something bad happens to that child.
I suggest you squeal like a stuck pig to who ever will listen and do something about it. She doesn't deserve to be a Mother now have anyone feel sorry for her. She can make all the trouble she wants- facts are facts she is a BAD Mother and a neglectful ungrateful loser.What's important is that little innocent girl and getting taken care of like a child should be.What's important to you??? her being a pain in the a## for the family or the welfare of that baby?Do what you know should be done for the sake of that baby.
Call children's services on her and just let them know your worried about the baby. Don't give your name or number..Good luck with your baby and take care. =)
I would not only call child protective services I would call the police too, to make sure child protective services done their job. Then I would follow up on it and made sure it was taken care of. There is no need for any child to grow up with a drunk and drug addicted mother. I should know, my ex-wife went crazy when she was 33 and started drinking and drugs. I got my girls out of that situation in a hurry.
Call DFS. That child is going to end up dead or abandoned if it continues to live in a home like that. If you are willing to take the baby, chances are DFS will place her with you. From what I understand, Child Services likes to place children with relatives when at all possible. If you feel you can't care for the baby because of your situation, then DFS will place the child in a foster home, and you may be able to arrange visitation. Your cousin needs to go to jail for child neglect and endagerment and then probably an intensive rehab program.

I work in a poverty stricken area volunteering with a youth group. I've seen first hand what drugs and alcohol abuse does to families. It's not pretty, believe me. If you really do love that kid, get her out of there. That's no kind of environment to raise a kid in.

It sounds like your cousin is not currently mature enough to raise a kid and probably never was. She also sounds self centered, which does not make a good parent. Her throwing a fit over you turning her in is a small price to pay for the safety of an innocent baby. Chances are your family knows what your cousin is like and won't be surprised that she's doing drugs and abusing alcohol instead of trying to be a good parent. If they are responsible adults, they'll support your decision to contact Child Services and realize that you only did it to protect the baby, not to hurt your cousin.

Best of luck.
First off her girlfriend should be in jail for beating you while you're pregnant. I don't know about in your state, but in my state that is felony assault on 2. I would for sure call CPS. The other poster's are right...what means more...that child's well being or your loud mouth cousin starting **** in your family?
I really think that this is a situation where you should call protective services now.

I don't think it's something to wait on.

You should be looking out for the welfare of Kaylynn. Something disasterous can happen to the child if not taken proper care of.
First of all, I would contact the manager of the apartment and tell them that you are no longer living there. If you are the only name on the lease, then they should have to move out too. Second, I would call CPS (Child Protection Service) on the mother, family or not.

The mother has proven time again that she is neglecting the child. Plus, if she gets kicked out of the apartment, then she doesn't have a stable home to provide for her children.

She maybe family, but the well being of that child comes before family ties do.
she needs a 3 month or more will save her life and the baby's.

Tell her you sign yourself in or I will report you. Family intervention is needed. If family gets all grudged out on you be it least YOU cared enough to take some action
i hate that what you had to go through i believe stuff like that because i was something similar but my cuz grew out of it so do something for get what people say think about the lil girl that cheers u up and use to u instead of the mother things like that is what makes me mad because we can do something if your worried about fam finding out than do this their is always an anonymous tip line to call get it through ur dhs than they will want to sup rise her at residence and the proof will be shown


i hate that and know that is ur fam or what ever but the lil girl does not deserve such life like that
she needs a 3 month or more will save her life and the baby's.

Tell her you sign yourself in or I will report you. Family intervention is needed. If family gets all grudged out on you be it least YOU cared enough to take some action


her GF needs to move on and I'd have her arrested
Your cousin needs to have her children removed... call child protective services and report her. She is endangering her kids with her behavior.

If you care about the baby, you'll make the call. Your cousin is too sick to take care of a child.

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