How would you handle the following situation?
We went to a restaurant earlier and some kid was throwing a tantrum. Kiddo was sitting behind my 6 year old after maybe 10 minutes or so she turned around and said ';can you be quiet, you're yelling in my ear!!'; ... His mom told my daughter ';who the f do you think you are to tell my son to shut up'; and told me I needed to teach my kid some f'n manners.
She made a scene! EMBARRASSING!!!
Our waitress got there and offered to move us to another table but being that our food wasn't ready yet we just left.
On our way out, we had people saying things like ';I would of beat her a --'; others ';you should've spilled your drink on her head';
Because I was out with my daughters and other relatives I chose to ignore and leave, I don't like for my daughters to see that kind of stuff.
Now if I would've been out with friends or other adults only I would have given her a piece of my mind and some.
Do you handle certain situations differently if your kids are around?Do you handle certain situations differently if your kids are around?
That's the real world.Its good that your daughter saw that.It teaches her that some people are just freaking idiots.I am surprised that the erm..';lady'; said that to your kid.I would have been tempted to poke her eyeball will a fork and ';***** what';....but I am a none violent person and would just moved tables (I don't want them to waste food if I already ordered it)
You did the right thing by not commenting back.She only made a fool of herself.One day she is going to talk **** to the wrong person and she is going to get her *** beat.
Maybe the waitress even added an extra ingredient to her food? lolDo you handle certain situations differently if your kids are around?
yes i do! and every parent should
Of course I do!
But this situation clearly includes the kid being there. I guess I would ask a friend to take my daughter out while I speak with the crazy lady. - But if I didn't have a friend available to take her out, I would probably handle it the same either way. (I would just prefer my daughter not see it first hand because there's no telling what the person would have said next!)
I think I would have told the mom that my kid has every right to speak up for herself if someone is yelling in her ear. But being and adult - she should know better than to use that language around children.
Confrontation with my ex is the main thing I handle differently with my daughter around. It's sad because he knows he can get by with more while our daughter is around. There are things involving him that a 7 yr old simply shouldn't have to worry about.
I definitely keep my temper in check more when I have my daughter with me.
I probably wouldn't have been able to resist slipping the woman a comment about how my child wasn't the one throwing the full blown temper tantrum in public so she may want to start working on manners as well.
You handled the situation perfectly though.
You did good. You showed your kid that you were the bigger person.
That other parent obviously needs to teach herself some manners. That other parent was rude and did not handle the situation well. She could have said nothing at all, or could have took the kid out and calmed her down.
Parents today have got the raising thing all twisted....
You did a great job. Now she only looks like the fool. I would have did the same thing as you. You have got class.
My son is an infant, so I haven't been through this, but I definitely think I will handle things differently when he's around than when he is not.
That being said, if someone had talk to my child that way, they WOULD hear it. They were in the wrong, not you, and they should have been the ones to leave if anyone.
I totally understand not wanting to escalate the scene and being out with other relatives, but I would stand up for my child. NO ONE talks to him like that, especially since your daughter made a VALID and POLITE request for them to STFU. No one, not even kids, want to go to a restaurant and have someone screaming in their ears, thats impolite and once the waiter saw what was going on those people should have been asked to leave.
On another note, gallstones are the WORST. Do you have to have surgery? I had the surgery for my gallbladder to be removed a few years ago and have had constant diarrhea since (TMI sorry!).
I do believe that you handled that very well... Better than I ever would have. I fully respect you for that. You taught your daughter manners through that and how to behave in public. Please don't take me as being rude in saying this, as I am not meaning it that way, but I believe that saying a little something to the woman would have been beneficial for your daughter as well. Not saying anything rude or belligerent, but simply saying something about how it was rude or not polite to talk to your daughter and you like that, and maybe that she should learn some manners. Children do need to learn how to be kind, but they also need to learn how to stand up for themselves and others when needed, but with a respectful manner. You did the best that you felt was right in this situation, though, and kept your cool, and I fully respect and admire you for that.
I can tell u what i would have done.............
I would have walked out of the restaurant with my family and directed my wife to go to another restaurant. That i would meet them there.
Once they had gone and were a distance away, i would walk back into the restaurant and proceeded to pour every plate of food that is on that womans table over her head.
Then run out the door.
I then would make my way to the next restaurant and enjoy the dinner with my family.
Basically i would calmly get my family out of the situation and return for revenge.
She opened the battle. I would finish it. I just would remove anyone i know from the situation they could use against me or involve in the situation.
Oh hell no!!! Who does this lay think she is?!?!
You did the right thing and I think I would have done the same. Someone mentioned that they would have had their family leave and they would meet up with them later. Your daughter is old enough to know why you stayed behind. I think you made a wise choice. If this had happened to me I think I would have wanted to beat her a$$.
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