Sunday, November 14, 2010

What are ways for a 16 yr. old to be legally able to move out of her parent's home?

My father kicked me out in the month of May because of stuff my boyfriend and i talked about in a notebook during school. Well, someone found that notebook and turned it into the principal's office in return they mailed it to my father saying ';you're not in trouble at school but we think we should aware your father of what's going on.';

ok well my father KNOWS that i've been having sex since i was 14 and i've only had two partners. just this time he kicked me out for having sex with my boyfriend.

the thing is my boyfriend had to go to Texas for awhile because of family problems. my mom took this horribly so in order for her to be happy i said i would stay back home with her %26amp; dad until my boyfriend gets back to the state.

the time finally came for me to move back in with my boyfriend and now my dad puts up a fight about how he'll beat my boyfriend's *** and call the cops if i do go. when i moved back here i cried for 2 months because i'm miserable living with my parents; here i'm always alone and i'm most of the time arguing with my mom/dad. when i lived with my boyfriend i was really happy and never alone. another reason i want to live with my boyfriend so badly is because he lives all by himself. he's only 17 %26amp; i don't think it's right. i loved being there taking care of him. here at my parent's place i got nothing.

my dad has lied to me sooo much and he only looks out for himself, even my mom said so. it took me 16 1/2 years to finally realize that because i was so wrapped up in being a daddy's girl.

he 1st said my boyfriend could live with us, i say ok to it and once i come back he changes his mind and says no. he said that i could see my boyfriend whenever, well now as far as today goes i can't see him at all. there's alot more lies he told me about me and my boyfriend i just wanted to give you people an idea of what i'm talking about. and as far as my mom goes, she doesn't care if i move out as long as i'm gonna be taken care of at my boyfriends... which i was.

and on top of all that my parents both do drugs and sell drugs. i really don't want to be in that kind of atmosphere. as far as emancipation goes i'm not so sure if i'd make it.

sorry i wrote so much i just had to get that all out. if you're wondering about something else or need more detail on something LET ME KNOW.

thanks =/.What are ways for a 16 yr. old to be legally able to move out of her parent's home?
unless you could get one of your parents to sign a marriage license and get married...emancipation is the only legal thing to do.What are ways for a 16 yr. old to be legally able to move out of her parent's home?
Get emancipated.
Get amanicpated. Just make sure you have the money for an atorney and are able to support yourself.

The same thing goes on at my house, well, similarly, not exactly. I dont have a boyfriend -- I'm just sick of the arguing, fighting, and my mom being drunk all the time and everyone insulting me.

this is tough .you can legally divorce your parents which is basially saying you can live on your own but you would have to gt a lawery and most judges will not approve of his because the only reason why people do this is because parets are stealing money from like occasions like quinsita . or like if there a child star. or maybe the parents are abusive . this will be tough but with a good lawery you might be able to do it ,
Well u r still a minor therefore the only way is 2 get emancipated. There are 3 ways 2 do that. Try seeking some advice from a lawyer.
First off it is a state law matter. Oh hon you are supposed to honer your father and mother. Sexual intimacy is only for married people.
Emancipation which can only be done under 3 cases

1. joining the military (parental consent required)

2. getting married

3. court order (no consent required)

You probably should get a court order, check if your state offers free legal aid to minors seeking emancipation
talk to some one at school like guidance counselor tell all about your problems at your house you having or you should just turn your parents in for selling the drugs and doing the drugs
If you live in the US...

You can鈥檛 move in with anyone without *both* parents permission. They were idiots to allow you move in with Boyfriend in the first place (CPS would define that as an inappropriate environment). And you can鈥檛 even see Boyfriend without *both* parents permission.

You won鈥檛 get emancipated if your plan upon being emancipated is to move in with Boyfriend (or anyone else). That not the purpose of emancipation.

If your parents do drugs and/or sell drugs, then you can report that (tell your school counselor). The state will investigate and *if they find that the claim has merit and the situation calls for it*, they鈥檒l remove you from the home and place you in the custody of the state. Then they get to decide where you live, and it will not be with Boyfriend. In fact, they may forbid any contact with Boyfriend (sex with a 14-year-old is very, very illegal, so based on that alone they may forbid contact).

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