Sunday, November 14, 2010

This is a really long story, but i could most definitely use your guys' advice. please help!?

okay well i have this guy friend named eric, who always hits on me and stuff and acts like hes totally into me. the problem is, he does this to almost every pretty girl he lays eyes on. heck theres even some not-so-pretty girls he hits on. so basically, you could say hes a player. now, i dont want ANYONE to get the impression that hes a jerk, because i know him well enough to know that hes not. hes just your typical, sweet, good-looking teenager...who happens to hit on tons of girls. so anyways, i was talking to my friend daisy about how i like eric so much it fricken hurts and that i know he knows that i like him but i dont think he gets exactly how much i like him and that it was killing me. well she tells me that i just need to get it all of my chest and tell him how i TRULY feel, and so i asked her how to start the conversation with him and she told me to say this to him: ';can i talk to you its really important'; and then she said to just start talking about how my moms friend died (my mom found out today that her best guy friend passed away a little over a week ago) and that she wont stop crying and that i dont know what to do or how to help her. she said to just try and work my way into telling him so this is what happened -- after i told him about my moms friend and everything, he said ';omg are you serious that sucks well idk just be nice to her and just like dont fight with her.'; and i didnt know what to say back to him so i asked daisy and she told me to say this ';thanks eric your a great guy and i think i need to tell you something that is just really bugging me.'; and then to just keep going and add my own words. so i told him that, and also added this: ';i know you know that i like you ...but do you understand how much, exactly? i really hate telling you but i just hella want you to know that i like you so much it hurts. no joke. i know i sound unbelievably pathetic but my closest friends have been telling me for a while now to tell you how i REALLY feel. so there; i said it. i constantly think about you and my friends are actually getting kind of annoyed that i wouldnt tell you because supposedly theres a 50/50 chance that you feel the same way. its doubtful but who knows. so yeah.'; and then this is what he said back to me: ';i know how much you like me everyone is always talking to me about it and i want you to know that whatever happens between us we will always be friends.'; and then i said: ';okay. just knowing that makes me cry, literally, because you make me so happy and it just makes me glad to know well always be friends. remember when i asked you if liking you was totally pointless, and you said you didnt know? well i really need to know. i cant even begin to explain how much i like you and if i honestly have no chance with you i might as well try to start getting over you so i can move on.'; and then he said: ';i honestly dont know.'; and i said: ';eric you have to have SOME sort of idea. i know you hella like alejondra (shes this girl who EVERYONE says talks like a man and they say shes not even that pretty but apparently she is to eric) but would you EVER feel that way about me? i cant help but wonder and its making me effing crazy i really dont think you understand. saying you dont know if you would ever like me like that makes me think that thats your way of nicely saying no. and it probably is and i bet i look like a total dumbass, thinking i ever had a shot with you.'; and then he said: ';im sorry but i just dont just really confused about me and alejondra and not knowing if its going to work i just really dont have a clue.'; and then this is what i said back (i think i really effed it up by saying this; he wont talk to me!) but yea this is what i said back: ';in other words i should just forget about you because alejondra wont make up her mind and when she does shell prolly like you think ill hafta wait for you guys to break up so i can be your rebound girl blah blah blah and if she decides that she doesnt like you then ill be stuck waiting for you to make up your mind and when you finally do it more than likely wont matter because ive seen your idea of a hot girl and i know thats not me. besides, your not a one girl kind of guy. idk what made me think that you would stop hitting on every pretty girl you lay eyes on just to be with me. or alejondra, for that matter.'; aaaaaand after he read that he didnt reply. after a while i finally said ';sorry. i just kinda snapped.'; and he read that and didnt reply. then i said ';did i totally just fu*k everything up?'; and he read that but wont reply. now im extremely sad because i dont know if hes mad, sad, confused, or what. at least i know that ';no matter what happens between us well always be friends'; lol but i really dont know what to do. alejondra doesnt even live in the same town as us, so youd think hed rather be with a girl that he gets to see every day... but i guess not. so will somebody please help me? theres not really a proThis is a really long story, but i could most definitely use your guys' advice. please help!?

okokok i read thru all that

first off i need to tell u i've been on both sides of the situation and i kno it kills not to know but on the flip side it sometimes is incredibly hard to work out if you like sum1 or not sometimes. he prob likes how nice you are and how good a friend but doesnt want to ruin that and also is not sure if he likes u or the idea of you.

okay i don't really blame you for blowing off at him but now u needa leave it. and u also need to move on. liek you said its waaay too messy to get involved in, how would you like it knowing ur 2nd best to that other girl? its gona hurt too much and if u ever get 2gether there will be too much jealously. i was the same wid a player guy who was nice but it just doesn't work. so you need to move on. perhaps tell him that, say just so you know i don't want to ruin this anymore so i'm going to try and move on, i'm really sorry i said anything, i value u so much as a friend and don't want to lose that.'; then u really needa try move on. u kno deep down a friendship is worth more than a messy relationship that is likely to end. also maybe not talking/ seeing him so much for a week or 2 might be healthy just to show urself u can enjoy things and spend time not thinking bout him or needing to be around him. just take it slow.

best of luck.

i know how it feels so trust me that this is the rite advice.

:)This is a really long story, but i could most definitely use your guys' advice. please help!?
dam. cant read all that sorry
i got board of reading it! to long. **** its long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!鈥?br>

tell eric he needs to dam weird
well about him not responding just say ur sorry and that if he needs time he has a week or so and then tell him u need to no so u can make up ur mind and if he says no its because he thinks ull be better off as friends
Wow, what a story. I couldn't wait to see what happened. You went off on him good. You let it all out. so, what to do next? Zippo, as there is nothing to do but move on with your life. You hit the ball over in his court loud and clear and he will decide whether to return it to you or not.
i'm sorry but he doesn't like you. i think you should get over him,it's gonna be hard but it's something you'll have to overcome. i've gone through something similar to this and in the end i eventually was over him. you need to move one, and ways you can do this is avoid him and stop talking to him. that will help you gradually get over him. another thing you should do is start talking to other guys. well in the future i don't think you should be so up front to someone you like, because they may not like you back and rejection is devastating. i'm guessing your young? you have a long time till you actually fall in love. also don't think eric is the only guy out there, your in a big world there must me another guy who you'll get attracted to.
Well, the ';we can be friends'; line is not what you're looking for. I don't think you just want to be friends with him. The fact that he flirts with every girl he sees is also not good. And finally, the fact that he's ignoring you is just not cool.

Sorry to say, if he doesn't like you, you can't change his mind. He's demonstrating some bad traits (such as ignoring you).

I would say you need to move on. Him saying he's ';not sure if he'll like you'; is an easy way out.
Sorry it took me so long to read...hopefully im not the only one that does..but something simmilar happened to me Friday (IDK if u even want to know) but anyway...i think that he is just confused..i think he has true feelings for both of yall and just isnt sure wat to do...and i think if yall do end up goin out that he would quit lookin at other girls especially if it bothers u...and plus u seem lik an AMAZING person and to really lik someone and confront them is AWESOME..and i hope the best for u because ur trually PHENOMENOL...and my advice to u is to just drop it until he says something...or if u get impatient then u can always say, ';Hey, I'm sorry I flipped'; or something..but i wish u the best...GOOD LUCK

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