Thursday, November 11, 2010

My roommates constantly put me down, should I move out? Need advice, please, before I make a decision.?

I currently live with a couple. We get along fine for the most part, and do things like eat dinner and watch movies together, but little things are starting to annoy me. I have lived with them for 3 years.

What is your advice to me? Thank you.

The gf is 27, bf is 31. The bf, who doesn't work, lives off of making $20-30 a day off youtube toy reviews, has planted himself permanently on our living room couch with his laptop. Everyday I come home from work, he's there. The gf who is a teacher with a good salary, spends all her money on him, letting him play expensive sports like hockey, and then complains she can't afford to get anything nice for herself or have extra $, and acts jealous when I buy nice stuff for myself. All their time is spent on the couch eating and watching TV. Even my friends who hardly come to visit (since I live far) have noticed that the few times they have come over.

The bf has been caught cheating a few times, (I caught him too once on accident, but I didn't tell my friend since it wasn't my place) and the gf told me she wished I would have told her since I knew (but I didn't want to put myself in the middle, not my business), and since then, she has made fun of me for my ';stalker tendencies'; and stuck up for bf, saying he just doesn't know how to have a proper relationship, though it's still obvious he's talking to other women even now.

They both like to put me down and point out my character flaws, which I never do with them. They like to make fun of my love life because they think I go after ';hot'; men, which is completely untrue because the only 2 men who have been in my life since living with them the past 3 years, (I have been dating one of them for 2 years, other was a short fling) are anything but playboy model types. I honestly thought they were ok looking to begin with, and when I got to know them, I fell for their personalities, and thats why I think and brag that they are so attractive. Plus, they even told me they thought these guys were completely ugly!

The gf even pokes fun at my body type (petite, 115 lbs) when she is about 220 pounds. Once, we were watching some talk show and they discussed thongs getting ';lost'; in your behind when you wear them, and i asked how that could happen, and she got ';all knowing'; with me and said if you have a big butt, it will happen, and that since I have a ';little'; one, it won't happen. Then once, looking through one of my Victoria's Secret catalogs, I showed her which underwear (thong) I had bought to wear, and she had the nerve to remark, ';it fits you like these girls? you have no butt!'; She thinks my butt is so flat that you can see the WHOLE thong from behind. I explained to her that it did fit me like the models, and all she did was wearily nod like she didn't believe me.

I partly don't want to move because the area is close to work and very cheap, and my cat is best friends with the gf's cat... ridiculous, I know, but I think he would be very unhappy if we moved, and I'm afraid if I find a good place that doesn't allow cats, I have to get rid of him (but I do have a good family in mind who would like to take him if that were to happen). But, they are driving me nuts with how they treat me. What is their problem? Jealousy? Recently, the bf has been sick, and coughing A LOT, but he's still in his usual spot on the couch, spreading his germs, eating fast food, drinking soda instead of getting proper rest and nutrition and staying in bed. I have stayed in my bedroom all week as a result, even though the gf said he's not contagious.My roommates constantly put me down, should I move out? Need advice, please, before I make a decision.?
Talk this over with your boyfriend. Seriously.

See what he thinks. Maybe it's time to move in together.

It is obviously time for you to move out. They do not practice a healthy life style, they do not have a healthy relationship and they both sound physically unhealthy. What they say to you is unhealthy for you and makes you uncomfortable.

They do not support your relationships with your boyfriends that make you feel good. If this is because they are jelous or just mean does not matter, you need to move out of that corrosive environment.

It also sounds like they have no application of your wonderful petite body. Must better to be small than large and fat. How much in denial must a 200 pound blob be to ridicule someone who looks like a model becuase they are not as fat as them. You need to live with people who appreciate you for you, the way you are. I promises you that most sane guys like small slim women much better than fat ones.

I don't know where you live but if you can transfer you job to a city in the south where there is year round sun and sand, and people spend more time outdoors at the beach, you might find a lot more application for your body type. You sound perfect for South Florida.

Don't worry about your cat. Your cat, like you, will adapt. You can take it with you or you can leave the cat with them, so that it can remain being friends with their cat.

Start putting the word out that you are looking for a low cost place of your own, or to share with a sane, healthy person. There are people who go out and run, bicycle, dance and enjoy life. Find one and move in with them.

Or pull up roots and move to a city where it's normal to bicycle down the road in a swim suit, and the boys love slim girls with a tan.My roommates constantly put me down, should I move out? Need advice, please, before I make a decision.?
If you can afford it, move out. Get a new place. Find other roommates. Craigslist is a good tool. I found the ideal roommate who said in his ad ';No passive aggressive people.';

As for your cat, I think he would be ok not having a cat friend. It's your living situation you don't have to put up with that.
Sweetheart, you need a reality check. It's way past time for you to grow up and get a life...and a place...of your own.
Why don't you call the closest real estate office and ask an agent to look up rentals for you in the area you want to live? Also look on CraigsList online and in the newspaper wanted ads for roommates or apartments for rent. If you can afford to move, you should move. Your roommate situation sounds horrible! I had a similar situation in living with a very nasty, negative, and mean girl. For a very long year I put up with her unpleasant behavior before the lease was up and I could move out. But trust me, getting your own place would help so much! I never realized how tense I was all the time until I moved out and found peace.

Bottom line, do your research and find a nicer roommate or a place you can afford, then go for it! You don't deserve to be treated so poorly, especially when it's the place you have to call home.
listen i have totally been where you are right now and the best thing i could have done was move out. People like that aren't going to change, you need to put your foot down get the hell out of there (with your cat) and tell them to go **** themselves (or in the bfs case other people) :D

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