Sunday, November 14, 2010

Am I in the wrong, losing my mind?

Well, this question is personal and pretty heavy, but ugh, I have no idea what to think right now.

For the past 4 months, my mum's been acting real damn differently, like jumping at my words? I don't know how to put it, but, she's criticizing everything I say, I suppose.

She's always against everything I want to do.

It started off when I asked her to drive me down the road, because it was raining, I mean, I was asking, I wasn't demanding, I would accept a ';no'; if she didn't want to, but she exploded at me with lines like ';Do you expect me to drive you everywhere?';. Now, okay, I expected maybe she was in a bad mood? I didn't take it very well though, I said ';Whoa **** clam down'; - I usually curse, mild cursing it's accepted in my house - ';I was only asking';.

I let that slide, although there were a lot of moments just like this one, except it was when I wasn't even asking for something.

My parents have a drink on a Saturday night, pretty normal I suppose, but my Dad talks alot more when he's a little drunk, because when we were talking, he said ';Me and your mum haven't talked properly in about 4 weeks..'; and I said that she'd been acting really differently and stuff.

I suppose that's enough for that period of time, so I'll jump a month later.

My mom and dad weren't talking, they were always in separate rooms, I didn't know what was going on, I just knew they were fighting.

I asked my dad what was going on, he said that he didn't want to talk about it, it's his problem that he as to deal with, but said that they were fighting.

Another problem is that, for the past 3 months, I've been bringing my girlfriend into my house, and into my room, alone.

I had to spend a lot of time convincing my mom that we weren't going to have sex when we were there (which was fine, because we can do that in her house or elsewhere), but it was NOT easy since she was, to me, not acting like my mother usually would.

My Dad was always fine with this, because he trusts me, and knew that we wouldn't, and even if we did, we'd do it safely at least.

Month 4, my dad breaks down in tears in front of me accidentally, and lets be honest, it must have been something so bad, for a grown man to accidentally burst into tears.

I was open with him, and just asked ';Look dad, I know somethings up between you two, what's going on? Is everything okay?'; and asked me to promise I would keep it to myself (No guilt from posting it here, I mean, my username is anon, haha)

He told me that my mom had been seeing somebody else for the past 4 months.

My whole world just, I don't know, it made me understand why she was acting differently, but it angered me more than anything, and now I'm feeling almost.. depressed? I'm having trouble feeling happy about this, obviously.

So now when I see my mother, I picture a woman who cheats and treats her children like a joke.

Do I have a right to feel this way? Am I just, have I lost my mind? I just don't know anymore, she tells me ';I'm not acting differently'; when clearly, ****, she is.. it's driving me crazy.

I want to move out, but I'm 16, I can't do that yet.

So is the way I'm reacting acceptable? Do I have a right to feel like this?

Sorry this question is so long, but seriously.. I'd really appreciate answers, I don't know what to think.Am I in the wrong, losing my mind?
i'm afraid i have no personal experience with this kind of stuff, though i have friends who have gone through just this kind of thing. its a horrible position you're in, and you have my sympathy. anger certainly seems like a pretty healthy response to what your mum has been doing - i know i'd be angry and very upset. i know it probably feels like you shouldn't be angry at your own mother, but if that's how you feel, you need to let yourself feel that way and not to bury it. the only way to get past being angry and upset is to accept that you are - and that you certainly aren't 'losing your mind'.

i really hope your christmas improves and is a nice one after all of thisAm I in the wrong, losing my mind?
I am so sorry to hear about your situation. There is no right or wrong way to feel at a time like this. It's so complicated. Try not to be too judgemental toward your Mom, after all, you don't know the whole story, right? It's something your Mom and Dad are going to have to work out on their own. I'm really sorry you are going though this right now. Hang in there, let them work it out, it's not your job. *Hugz*

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