it saddens me how religious would prey on the weak individual's mind. Preying on their hopes and fears and how your problems will be resolve if they'd pick up this book.why cant we teach each other to be good toward one another without religion as the medium(did i used';medium';correctly?)
It's funny cuz since the beginning of man,cavemen would only draw pictures that means a great deal toward them,such as,animals,or other cavemen.But when we'd learn how to communicate,we'd start to talk about non-existing creatures.(dragon,demons,devil,god)
in conclusion,we're living the 21st century,not medieval times.Let's move forward not backward.Why is everyone so caught up with the ';god';stuff?
I like what you are saying. You probably could have used better grammar %26amp; spelling but I LOVE THE POINT YOU ARE MAKING
have a nice weekendWhy is everyone so caught up with the ';god';stuff?
When you die, remember this question because then you will have your answer or not.
well I cant see your brain so I guess its not real
Its a religion , just cuz you dont belive doesnt mean you have to tell other people not 2 believe. I do Belive Theres God , but i do eat pork. You really think we came from monkeys? Thats just sad
Well good luck to you with all of that!
There are lots of real things--like love--that cannot be seen, touched, tasted, etc....
So you don't believe in wind either?
I think you need to learn to how to spell and write properly. It's sad you don't have anything to believe in. I'll pray for you.
I argree we should help people out more but you must have faith
I believe in Him because He MADE everything that I CAN sense. I am His child and so are you, even though you deny Him. God Bless you.
Curious, aren't you just as caught up in the ';god'; stuff since you've dedicated a post to discuss the very ';god'; stuff you're sick of hearing about?
hear hear!
some people they just so good or better debating on these dumb stuff about god here, god there. speaking without the knowlegde or withouth the actually experience of a god...truly is thou shall understand the myth, the facts and the backgrounds with the outcome but God is not an ally.
Let me ask you a question..........
where are you going when you die?
I am going to heaven because God promises me that and I enjoy life knowing that when I die it isnt the end.
It's called faith. What is life without faith?
I agree with you though........ we as humans do need to learn to love each other and care for each other. But that is also a commandment from God. His Number one commandment.
Also........... what about things like the air??? You cant see the air but you know it is there because your breating arent you?
I agree with you! But there are more idiots than wise men around. Atleast in this section.
God is part of who Iam . God is a part of my life. Without God I have no life.
One of the best tricks of Satan is to make people believe that he doesn't exist...much the same way the army uses camoflage to get near the enemy in order to kill them.
When you discover Who God is, you cannot help but speak of Him.
Well, it's due to my faith that I've decided to help others. When I look at pleasing God, I see that he wants me to help others because that's how I show Christ's love. SO, while you have some good points here, religion helps many of us achieve a focus to become better than ourselves.
In addition, religion gives me hope. It's not just about being a ';good person'; in terms of morality and helping others, but also in seeking to be a better person overall. I choose Christianity, because my relationship with God allows me hope for eternity, not just while I am physically and mentally capable of helping others.
this is my problem with religeon. it always winds up seeping into every other aspect of your life. religeon is really about control. it's the real reason constantine converted the roman empire. christianity was overtaking the pagan faiths and he needed to unify the empire. he also never converted himself until he was on his deathbed. people also want to use religeon to say their right which is why so many people interpret the bible to fit their own prejudices. for example: jesus says love thy neighbor is the highest commandment even over the ten, yet how many christains preach from pulpits that God hates gays?doesn't sound like their following jesus does it? religeon also sucks millions of dollars preying on people's fear of death. if we all knew what happened no one would bother going to church or give a cent. people would just be as good as they could be.
The Bible tells of people like you. Literally everything that's happened on this planet is in the oldest book, the Bible. Religious people are concerned for your salvation and all you can do is criticize. It's sad that when it over, you will see but it will be way too late for you, and you will burn in hell for eternity. Why don't you just take a Bible, open it up to any page, and read just one chapter. You will see for yourself and whether you want to believe it or not is up to you, and that's why God gives us the choice.
you speak soo mature. thats very nice. the fact is there is no god. god is in you, me and in everyone. it is the fact. when people undrstand this, world will be a beautiful place to live. its sad to see people follow relegion soo madly leaving the essence what it is trying to teach you. see you have changed, i have and soon many will follow....
Actually do your research. Dragons did exist, we call them Dino's now. Dino was coined hundreds of years after. Creation and prophecy should be 2 big helps to tell you the God of the Bible exist and is true.
Check out the link and listen and get back to me. There's more messages on this subject on the website.
Its called fee will. What would life be like if god feed and clothed you like you were a freeking gold fish.
Your probably right though most religons have been highjacked by man, I am sure good doesnt care if you were a Catholic, baptist, Jew. Just that you follow his main principles, do good.
Dragoons where very real to early humans, ever wonder why every culture has a dragoon? Its because they found dinsour bones. That and an active imagination, along with a frew hustlers and you have a population that believed in Dragoons.
When you catch a cold can you see it coming? When people tell you something such as the earth is round or the sky has an ozone layer can you see that? No. Its a mindset. You believe it because someone you believe to be smarter then you told you it was true. Why can't the same be said for god an heaven? People may know more then you or believe it more then you do, it doesn't make it not real. No one really knows what happens when you die, so that's the beauty of it all. Wait and see! We will all die and know then.
I really don't think people are wrapped up in religion at all. Well I guess just like everything else in the world - a chosen few do go overboard - but for the most part I don;t think religion is overbearing at all. You're concepts of being good to others - is pretty much what religion is built on anyway - so I see no harm in that. As far as being concerned about what we eat or our afterlife - that's pretty much an individual decision and choice don't you think? Do you really think that these types of thoughts deter from being good and kind to others? I don't - I believe that if someone is concerned about their after-life - that they will tend to be more concerned about their fellow man than perhaps someone who has no religion at all. I don't know - I find that slamming religion is not a good thing at all. Either choose it or lose it and do what you need to do to in order to gain peace and happiness in your life!
God is not stuff, He is real and very much alive. we all need to think about what will happen when we die, or it should be a little of a concern, just maybe they may want to change their way of thinking. And we do worry and care for the ones who are without and in the need, many of us have a giving heart to them and they do give. I stand to correct you on something else, demons are real, an't sure about the dragons and such but demons are very real..we may be living in the 21 st century but you know what so is God living right with us..He's been around a long time..
thats a good point about weak minded people.
I would say the leaders are the strong minded poeple who get all the weak minded people to give them thier money...
The Holy Bible is for all religions and all people and is a guide to show us and help us have wisdom to love eachother, to bless eachother, to live a clean Godly life and help others. The Holy Bible teaches us the way god wants us to love and is not about ';religions';.
Do you believe in air, gravity all things you cannot see?is it not real for you cannot see them??
If you die tomorrow and choose not to believe in something you cannot see, what hopes or promises do you have in the afterlife? If you choose to believe in God, we have the promises, love, everlasting life in God's kingdom, and who would take a risk by not believing in what God says is true?!
Ask yourself:
Do you have to see to believe or do you want to believe to see? God is the same yesterday, today and tommorrow, God never changes even in the 21st century. Caught up with ';God stuff'; you say? you better know it as it is a wonderful life having God in it and knowing his promises are the truth! Amen to that!
-If praying is what help people get by with their problems let them. It relaxes them and gives them hope for a better day, and i believe it gives them time to think on how to solve their problems that often become clear once/after they pray.
-I also think that religion is a good medium to teach us how to be good to each other because there are plenty examples in The Bible (in Christianity) that shows us what being good toward one another really is; because what may be considered good for one person is not good for another person. I
-In my opinion, religion %26amp; discipline is crucial for learning how to be a ';good person';.
However, you are still entitled to your opinion.
You don't believe just keep quiet and move away don't criticize on religions. You can't afford it. Rest in peace is the best answer. Mark my word!
Hey, we just love Him coz He first loved us :)
God bless ya!
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