Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Was there any drama in your neck of the woods over the weekend?

A couple I know had a big falling out over the weekend. Mike ran off with the neighbor, Jamie, Friday night and then moved of Amber's house Saturday morning and moved to his dad's. Amber found out Mike had been with Jamie and she beat the living crap out of her Saturday evening. So, then yesterday Amber sees Jamie walking down the road and runs up and jumps on her again!! And later on, Mike comes and moves all Jamie's stuff out and moves her in with him at his dad's house!!

All this mess just blew my mind!! He also spread lies about some other people I know, too. I'm wondering what is wrong with this guy?

Especially the fact that no one likes this girl, Jamie, or even knows where she came from. One of my friends has already ran her off from her house numerous times for trying to hang out with all the guys outside who all have girlfriends or wives and she knows none of them--the guys or the girls. She just walks by and sees all those guys outside and moseys on up in the yard with not a care in the world, trying to bum a beer or piece of asss or whatever.

I always wonder how people can be the way they are...

So, anything interesting happen to anyone else over the weekend?Was there any drama in your neck of the woods over the weekend?
Can I count taking my son out and getting him hammered on Saturday ...then spending Sunday with a big drunken birthday bash for Hubby, with all his kids and grandkids...loud music...lots of booze (not for the young kids) Smoked brisket and all the trimmings...and no one called the cops.Was there any drama in your neck of the woods over the weekend?
Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

Nothing in my neck of the woods.
my friend came out.. ;]
Does Jerry Springer patrol your neighborhood for guest often?
screw jerry bring back montell williams


There was........too much to go into any detail though.
Yeah, our village had it's fiesta, not as exciting as your weekend though!!
I don't even remember what happened over the weekend...

Ah well x]
My cat threw up all over the kitchen floor

You think I should call Jerry?? ha
it was a very quiet weekend in my neck of the woods. no drama whatsoever!

very nice!

I had the best weekend EVER. EVER EVER EVER thanks to Cisco. **clapping and bouncing and walking on cloud nine** Mornin Precious love. ?
Yes, sadly someone I knew was killed.

yes there was. i misplaced my car at the 6 Flags parking Lot saturday. i began crying and calling my friends who were at their car eating a nice picnic lunch. I told them I was lost somewhere in the wonder woman shazam section and I couldnt find my way to the batman section for parking.

it was 90+ degrees, i had to carry my 5 year old and my blood pressure got so low I was scared i would pass out in the parking lot and leave my kids frightened.

my friends husband came and got me from their car.

then life got fun again.
Well, in addition to the approximately $7,000.00 that the ex-condo treasurer just paid back before turning over the books (personal loans and some condo fees going back to the beginning of 2002), we figured out she owes $975.00 in late fees. Next step is to force her to give ALL of the records back. The we look for more...
i stubbed my toe on the box spring for jacobs old bed while bringing it to the trash, kylee got an ant bite and roberts dad and char are totally in love
Wow! Either you live in Peyton Place, or somewhere in the backwoods of the remote south! Which is it...?
hmmm not that bad. The locals got all up in arms and took a shoot or two at the Rhino( Armered car) we had to take downtown. But that's and everyday thing in Baghdad.

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