Thursday, November 11, 2010

Did anyone see Slasher H's question on the players being gay? If so here is your answer Slasher H.?


Stupid people should have to wear signs that just say, ';I'm Stupid.'; That way you wouldn't rely on them, would you? You wouldn't ask them anything. It would be like, ';Excuse me... oops... never mind, didn't see your sign.';

It's like before my wife and I moved. Our house was full of boxes and there was a U-Haul truck in our driveway. My neighbor comes over and says, ';Hey, you moving?'; ';Nope. We just pack our stuff up once or twice a week to see how many boxes it takes. Here's your sign.';

A couple of months ago I went fishing with a buddy of mine, we pulled his boat into the dock, I lifted up this big ol' stringer of bass and this idiot on the dock goes, ';Hey, y'all catch all them fish?'; ';Nope. Talked 'em into giving up. Here's your sign.';

I stayed late at work one night and a co-worker looked at me and said, ';Are you still here?'; I replied, ';No. I left about 10 minutes ago. Here's your sign.';Did anyone see Slasher H's question on the players being gay? If so here is your answer Slasher H.?
i never thought id agree with you, but yea i did see it and he is a retard. shouldnt there be a application before you post a question based on its stupidity?Did anyone see Slasher H's question on the players being gay? If so here is your answer Slasher H.?

edit* The sign can go to both JR and myself for bickering at each other like an old married couple.

We all have days when we could use a sign. Nobody is perfect.

It might be wiser to make some ';I'M SMART'; signs instead. You'll need far fewer placards and there won't be any chance of getting hit over the head by a stupid person swinging a sign.
LMAO x 2.

(I don't know what that means... Double-time? Lol.)
LMAO this is some great stuff 7th. The only sad part is how true it all is.
Hey, I think he’s part of Bettman’s “Morale” department. He just wants to make sure that every player in the NHL is happy. That’s how I took it. I’m sure that he wouldn’t actually imply that Kariya and those other players are homosexual. How could he possibly know that? Oh wait … there IS one way …


Either way, that would be very difficult to prove. After all, gay means happy. Unless he is implying that myself and the remainder of the heterosexual community is … un-happy. Or disgruntled. Nope. Not really. That would make bi-sexuals somewhere in between, I guess. And does that make homosexuals potential scoliosis victims since heterosexuals are considered “straight”? So what, homos are “crooked”? I dislike all those name tags.

No, I think that either way, that Slasher H is like a bunch of an ever-growing crowd of idiot posters. Don’t let him get to you.
LMAO - If I had a supply of signs I'd probably run out of them regularly. Wasn't this a Larry the Cable guy bit?
Thanks, Bill Engvall!! Can I add my own?

I get a new kitten last summer, so I had to get all the cat stuff. Litter box, food dish, water dish, food, toys, etc. I take it up to the checkout line and put it all on the belt. The cashier is ringing it all up and says, ';Oh, did you get a cat?'; I look at the stuff, then at her, and say ';No, I got a dog with an identity crisis.';

Here's her sign.
i dont no wut any1 is talkin about so im just gonna type this so i can get points
I think i'll add one too,

Two winters ago i was driving through town and i got stuck in the snow (had a 2wd truck) so i was pushing my self out via the frame of my open door, when suddenly a blue jeep cherokee pulls up (4wd) it was the state police, he rolled his window down and asked me ';are you stuck';, i thought for a minute if i should give a cop a smart @ss answer, i did, i said ';no sir i prefer to push when the snow gets too deep';, he laughed and pulled me out.
When two stallions are in the same corral, they have a mutual and natural respect. LP Field looks good from the Exxon station.

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