Thursday, October 28, 2010

Please please please give me your opinion. Whats on his mind? Does he like me?

Hey everyone :)

Okay so there is this boy I've known for 2 years now, we've been good friends through out however now that I'm in college I get to see him everyday (he's in the same college as me) and after a good 2 years of thinking of him as just a friend I've lately started to crush on him, majorly. I think the same goes for him, I mean the signs he gives me makes me feel that way, and I always hope its not my imagination getting the best of me, but then again a girl knows when she's being looked at differently. He like comes upto me out of his way to talk, like he'll come up and say 'do you have a deo with you'; or ';so have you bought the History camp form yet?' which my friends thought were pretty planed. I really appreciate it though because he's a complete guy-guy, always into his music, always lost in his own world, headbangin etc, and I THINK I'm his first crush.

He doesn't know how to make moves (I think) thats why these signs I appreciate a lot.We also share a lot of eye contact, sometimes for a good 20 mins and stuff.

Lately online we don't say anything to each other, and I'm wondering if its because we're worried if things will get awkward of what.

One day he came up to me to tell me he was leaving which I found very sweet. He then even gave out his hand for me to shake, and after I shook his hand my friend and I looked at each other and smiled, and he looked at me that time too. He also always puts his hand on his neck when he talks to me, like I felt his body language showed he was kinda nervous. Sometimes though, we both have a lotta eye contact but we don't approach..its kinda sucky. Today he saw me coming out of college and he was with his friends and me with mine, we looked at each other and all, and the minute I went away in my car he went back in college.

Oh he also complemented me on traditional day in college saying 'you're looking very nice' and I said thank you. That very same day he approached me 3 more times.

Sometimes when he sees me going somewhere he'll follow and when we're facing each other he'll act like he hasn't seen me yet and I do the same. This crush is increasing...I like him, and hope he does too.

Here's a picture of him talking to me, you can't see me cuz my back is facing the camera. The pink that you see is my back. Notice his hand on his neck (IMO, his sign of shyness.but I could be wrong) and yeah, do you think he likes me? I just am not sure and want personal opinions and any other sort of advice too would be awesome, thanks a lot.

The pic: please please give me your opinion. Whats on his mind? Does he like me?
Take a chance.

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