Thursday, October 21, 2010

Crazy sister in law going beserk over material stuff when i should be angry at her for doing something similar?

okay so last year i moved states from texas to AZ with my guy and well due to circumstances we had to lave my furniture at my FIL and MIL house.

so after that happened my guys brother came back from an iraq tour and both him his wive and he kids needed a place to stay so they moved in with my inlaws and asked if they could use our furniture i was fine with it i mean i wasnt using it so whatever..

well after a while i had something come up over the summer and had to come back to tx by myself and well i needed a place to stay so i was going to stay at my inlaws.

when i came my room wasnt emptied out when it was suposed to but yet again i was patient and didnt really mind.

it took a little more and whe i finally got to go in my room i still had to move some stuff out (i got a warning to not move stuff thats important so i didnt and what i moved i placed it together how i found it)

well the reason they warned me is because my SIL is a very tempermental and bitchy person (no one tells her anything so she thinks its okay) i said fine kinda thining about how she just threw my stuff to an outdoor shack and it got ruined and i ended up losing legal documents too...

yet again i kept calm as i could be i did complain to my guy but it was more like venting i wasnt going to go beserk over material turns out she went PSYCHO over the fact that i touched her stuff even going as far as saying i wore her clothes and stuff (lol cause shes all ghetto hoochie and im a metal head...) so yeah she is going crazy over this but yet she ruined my really nice furniture with her nail acrylic **** and scratched it up.

well today she decided to call me and make all these accusations and in the end i told her that if all that **** really bothered her i would replace whatever the f she says i lost broke or used...which i didnt but i dont feel like hearing her caw in my ear...

she got really angry and hostile so i ended the convo with you know what i honestly dont care. i dont care about your **** im not tearing my veins out cause of my ruined **** so you should just let it go cause i dont give a **** and then i hung up...the thing is that i know that this isnt over and honestly im at loss into as what to say tomorrow when she shows up to pick up her left over belongings...

i would like to just not speak to her but i know her and shes going to most likely put words in my mouth...

any advice guys?Crazy sister in law going beserk over material stuff when i should be angry at her for doing something similar?
Dont lend family money dont them borrow anything but toilet paper and never live near them. That is my advice. I know you want to beat the crap out of her but dont I would take her to court if you have to but you might not get anything at all.Crazy sister in law going beserk over material stuff when i should be angry at her for doing something similar?
well of course i can't get the whole picture but she seems like a total b*tch

what i would do is just give her a complete silent treatment and act kinda snarly and pissed of( without actually saying anything that could be taken as rude)

hopefully she will realise and back of, if she doesnt then my advice is just to toatally confront her infront of someone else( so that they can be a witness to her putting words in her mouth)

Good luck and sorry about your furniture

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