Sunday, December 11, 2011

I want to make an Ouija board, but I don't know if I should... Due to some bad experiences..?

I'm rather interested in the spirit world, I have already used my own home made Ouija board, but I keep on getting the same people with every board I make. There is Jack, and Bret (They are related and had an argument as adults and ended it with death Bret died when he was 25, he is rather nice towards me and makes me laugh I feel like I can trust him I talk to him as if my friend on the phone we share many different things, but lately he has been saying stuff like ';your doomed, Possession, and your death is near,'; it's starting to alarm me, but Jack on the other hand is a mean nasty person.. all he does is cuss, and tell you that the devil will kill you... I don't understand what's going on there. My friends at school think I'm ';cool'; because I'm a Satanist, and believe in the spirit world so they told me to bring my Ouija bored to school, they started talking to both Jack and Bret... Then this other weird thing channled through and started saying ';I am many, we are six'; I was like erm okay, I noticed the planttchet starting to move funny in figure eights and it was getting strong, and I have studied about the Ouija board and the danger, what to do what not to do, how safe it is, and so on but in when I was studying the rules it said if it starts to figure eight or circle alot, its oppening a port hole.. So I told them to say good bye now, the spirit went to no I told them to yell good bye it said no, then I told them to repeat after me and it was a something used to bless and clens things and the activity died down... This all freaked them out, and it didn't freak me out as much as it did them. So now when I'm home or alone I feel cold, like I'm being watched and I close my eyes and see dark evil eyes... it's strange, I think I just scared myself to much and my mind is going in all different directions... I get these weird day dream things when im deep in thought, and about helpless souls stranded, and they are dark blurs kinda like shadows, but I'm wide awake I think its all in my head.. Things are just a little wooooooo! Oh well I have been avoiding the Ouija bored now for a while, and I want to speack to them again should I tempt it again or just leave well enough alone?

(Please dont call me crazy or anything... I'm just a 14 year old kid with an over active imagination)I want to make an Ouija board, but I don't know if I should... Due to some bad experiences..?
take time to explain yourself.

but never write in detailI want to make an Ouija board, but I don't know if I should... Due to some bad experiences..?
however difficult remember

that you should speak frankly

but never drown others with your words
Didn't read all that. Paragraphs are your friend.

Make a ouija board if you want. I wouldn't recommend it though, not because it's ';evil'; or anything but because you need to just get over death of your loved ones. You'll be stronger because of it.
Playing with a ouija board like opening the doors of hell letting into your house
Leave it alone! You can open yourself up to some bad spirits.
Sounds like fun.
maybe you should stay away from it for a while. something like that happened to my mom and she had to pray and her aunt prayed for her and it went away but idk what your religious view is so yea anyways the ouija board can be pretty scary i have played it with my friends and it said we were speaking to the devil, kinda scary
ok... you call yourself a satanist... shouldnt you be happy about this??
Turn from evil!

Repent and look to God and live.

Prepare to live forever.

Damnation is sorrow and desolation.

Read the book of mormon.

There is opposition in all things, by the way.
I'm being very serious here, you have invited demonic spirits into your life. That's why they are getting mean. The only freedom from this in Christ. He alone has power over them. Please pray and ask Him for help.
Please do not...

(Deuteronomy 18:10-12) There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who employs divination, a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, 11?or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional foreteller of events or anyone who inquires of the dead. 12?For everybody doing these things is something detestable to Jehovah, and on account of these detestable things Jehovah your God is driving them away from before you.
Two things I want to say. One, I had a similar experience the first time I used the Ouji in that when I demanded to know who the spirit was that was moving the glass, it told me to F____ off and threw the paper letters on the floor. (We made ours.) I never touched it again.

Secondly, I have never heard anyone say that God connected with them through a Ouji board. It is a dangerous and dark portal that allows unclean spirits, or demons, to communicate with us. Most people who use this device are seeking for answers in life but the spirits that come through the Ouji will lie, deceive you and misdirect you so why start? If you are a Satanist, then you need to know that Jesus said Satan is a liar and the father of lies. He said Satan ';appears as an angel of light to deceive and to destroy.'; That's who you have been worshipping.

If you need the truth, the Ouji isn't going to give you that. Satan rules hell, a place where God doesn't live, and I don't think you want to go there. It is the opposite of heaven, and once Satan has you, he will laugh at you and hate you and in hell, he will torture you. I see by your scary experiences that the possession of his spirit has already taken hold of you and now that he has you, he is starting to do his evil on you. But don't worry, I have the answer for you.

The bible says Satan argues with God for even the souls of the saints! When I got rid of my occult items, I still felt a spirit of evil so I phoned a friend who told me to check again. Sure enough, when I got rid of the book I still had, the evil spirit left and I had peace. I’ve been basking in God’s love ever since.

First, you must get rid of every object of Satan worship--witchcraft items, the book of Satan, clothes and other ritualistic items and of course the Ouji board. But don’t put them in the garbage, because it will find it’s way to someone else and you don't want some little kid becoming possessed. Instead, put all these objects into a metal garbage bin and set it on fire away from trees or the house, etc. Then when you turn your life over to God, the energy on these items won't hang on to you.

I will be praying for you Morgan. You do your job and I'll do mine. If you aren't freed by this experience get into a Christian group that believes in deliverance from Satanic spirits. They will love the challenge and work to set you free. Hope this helps.

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